Josie ignored his protests and continued this tantalizing stop-and-go titillation. Finally, she draped a lace-trimmed square of silk over the the tip of his organ, and with a deep sigh, Gerald soiled it with his masculinity, then dropped listlessly on the lacing bar.

When Josie finally lowered him from the tiptoe position, after putting him through his paces twice more, shuddering ejaculations and all, Gerald stumbled about in a state of near-exhaustion, sobbing his heart out in a hysterical fit.

"Now, you understand what your punishment will be for any future display of unwanted spirits, Master Gerald!"

With that, she finished disrobing him, enevloped him in a frilly pink nightie, and tucked him into his bed.

Gerald was still sobbing his heart out as Josie abandoned him to his thoughts.


The afternoon of Nancy's impending visit, Josie took special pains in dressing Gerald.

After a refreshing bath in warm scented

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water, she rubbed the boy down with a rough terry towel until his flesh fairly glowed. Then she dusted his entire body, not missing a single mound or crevice with her puff loaded with fragrant body talc.

As a final flair, she sprayed a little heady perfume in just the right places behind each ear, between his boyish breasts, and, for good measure, under his little sac and in his crotch.

Enveloping him in a lace-and-ribbonfrilled pink chiffon negligee, she led him back to his room. A chair is placed before his full-length mirror, and Josie seated herself in it comfortably.

"Come here, Master Gerald," she said.

Blushing crimson from head to foot, he obeyed her, only to find himself placed before the mirror, doubts coursing through his mind, wondering what new humiliation he would be subjected to.

Slipping her arms about his waist, she drew him closer to her, then took his symbol in her soft warm fingers.

"Oh, please, Josie!" Gerald exclaimed, "Not that again!" But he knew in his heart that she could not be swayed by mere words.


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